Can’t get to the store? Waiting for an online order of wrap pads? New to this and confused on what to insert in your Happy Jack Dog Diaper? For a limited time, in these difficult times, we are happy to offer you one of our 4 Pad Starter Packs, FREE, with your Happy Jack Dog […]
We got a web-lift! In honor of our website redesign, we are having our FIRST website giveaway! All you have to do is SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter for a chance to win! Subscribe by visiting the bottom of the homepage. Already signed up? Yay, you are entered automatically! The winner will receive a Happy Jack […]
My Dog Peed Inside, Now What?
So the act has been done, and now you can’t go back after Fido has peed in the house. When your canine companion decides to use your carpet as a toilet, it can be disturbing and confusing for both you and your pet. You’ve got to act, but what should you do? Should you spank […]