Just a quick email to say “thank you” this fits great on our new dog and he cannot wiggle his way out of it and has not even tried! Perfect he can walk around in it he’s totally comfortable. You need to be on QVC and sell this! They have segments for new inventors, thank you again!
Houston, TX
Great product. Finally a solution to MALE dogs weeing problems. Thanks so much!
Got a custom size to me in 1 day. The best product by far. Buy now!
Cindy, thank you so much for your product. I’m a very happy buyer as you well know. Your product has saved lots of little mistakes from our little French Bull dog. We bought 3 of them we keep one in our motor home for back up when we are camping and another extra in the house so we have one when we need to laundry his favorite. We love it and if we had another puppy we will be back.God bless and good luck.
Bill and Barb
Spanaway, WA
Wonderful! Works like a dream.
Thanks! Been looking for something to keep my male from marking!
1st Response: Just got the mail and the package was there. LOVE your wraps!!!!! I have tried MANY, but these are the best!!!! They are sooo nice and soft and fit him perfectly!!!!!!!! You have a customer for life!!!!!! I know he’ll feel more comfy with your wraps on!!!!! I am soooo glad Kathy found you and ordered and then told me about them!!!!!!!!!
2nd Response: Hi Cindy!!!!!! A long while back I ordered two wraps from you and they are THE BEST I have ever used. They don’t chafe at all and AJ actually appears to want to wear them. Sounds weird, yes. But if he comes in from outback and I forget to put them on, he will whine at me until I do. SO!!! That says ALOT about your wraps.
Taberacle, NJ
Quick delivery, super super soft, very nice craftsmanship
Wonderful product! Fast shipping, Excellent
Hi, the package arrived today and you may have just saved a poor little Frenchie’s life! It is wonderful and he is currently wearing it with a doggie T shirt over it. I have a size 4 Huggie folded inside out padding the "critical" area. After a few minutes and a couple sad sack tentative steps, he is adjusted almost immediately. Thank you Thank you Thannnnnnk you! This fellow is a rescue and the crate makes him crazy, but his marking is too much too. If left alone out of the crate he will jump on the bed or other furniture, find one of the other dog’s beds, or steal a towel and ball it up to wet on. The crate is awful for him and he will soak any bedding put in there and he will grab the bars with his teeth and shake until his entire front is wet from drool. He was not just abused, but keep in his crate at the puppy mill and when taken from there had feet swollen to 3 times their size from standing in his own dirt. This band will let us give him a much better quality of life and get him ready for placement. I have your order form and if things are working as well as tonight in a day or two, I will be ordering another of the same size to use while this one is in the wash.
St. Clair Shores, MI
Thank you so much you are definitely a lifesaver!
Oh my goodness. Thank you soooo much. Hubby was ready to wring my neck and I told to not worry I had a wonderful solution on the way. I am sure he will want to give you a big hug and kiss himself once this comes in.. LOL I hope you don’t mind me telling you a little about me and why I chose YOUR belly bands! When I got this little guy I decided right off that I was going to have to do something different. I have 4 growing boys ages 7 to 15 and I know that I will not always be able to keep a real close eye on the little guy, hence he WILL make piddles here and there and no one will know till down the road. NOT A HAPPY THOUGHT! So, I decided belly bands were the way to go. So, the journey started. Ebay was my second stop. Type in belly band in the search and all these bands come up in every color, pattern, and material possible. Not really that many different designs to chose from, and none which made any sense to me (at least for a lean little guy like mine) I figured right off the bat that the belly band would slip right off his bottom and be long gone never to be found again. And I wasn’t ready to pay prices that ranged from 5.00 to 20.00 for a strip of material that I could fold and tie around him to make work as well. Then there were the OOPSIES (I think they are called) and I thought okay those may work better ONLY because they had the cupped area that might hold it in place. UMMMMMM If I were a guy (dog or human either one) I do NOT think I would want, errr, uhhh, well to put it as kindly as I can the end of my manhood being rubbed raw trying to hold that thing one while running around, OUCH! So, I kept looking wondering if anyone had made one attached to a shirt or halter or something to help hold it on. Then I came across your listing for the suspender that you sale to use with other’s belly bands. So, I decided to take a look at your auctions and – THERE THEY ARE – I yelp excitedly —- HOT DANG! SHE DID IT!!!!!! THE perfect solution. So, I got one and can’t wait to share the reviews. Because this is the only design that makes any sense at all. So, thank you so much for the work that you have put into these. Many blessings to you.
Beaumont, TX